Baby Craps

My Little Hermit Crab 'Camo' got a mite bath and was so upset she wanted her shell back but also wanted to be a brat and made me chase her to get her to go b.

Baby Books or Baby Scrapbooks that have all the pages you want and nothing left over or left out! With over 675 templates to choose from in multiple colors and themes for any event or occasion, you'll be able to create just the baby book you want. And don't forget that there are 3 different formats to choose from. Hold on, is that a spider? No, this cute little guy is a baby hermit crab. These delicate creatures will spend their entire lives in the protection of a shell. The shells aren’t even theirs! Hermit crabs begin their lives in the ocean, though you may have seen them in pet shops, or even in your house as a pet! Stomach spasms are a common occurrence in pregnancy. Most causes of stomach spasms during pregnancy are harmless, but you should see a doctor if you have pain, or constant or recurring spasms.

Hi New Mom or Grandma,


Welcome to the site that lets you create your baby book the way that you've always wanted it to be.

Are you grappling with some of the same problems some of our other visitors had?

What problems?

Well, you're here because you were looking to put together a baby book or a baby's first (1st) scrapbook... or you were interested in scrapbooks of some kind, right?

It seems that many of our visitors are telling us that they are finding 3 main problems facing them in their quest for the perfect book of baby memories.

We have the Solutions to these and so many more...

The 4 problems we hear most are:

  • Pre-made baby books have pages I won't use and are missing many of the pages I need. Few if any have places for my photos!

  • You don't have enough 'Time' in the day to create really spectacular and unique pages

  • You lack the artistic 'Ability' needed to create enough really cute and memorable pages for a whole book

  • The 'Space' needed to create and store finished and unfinished pages isn't available (you can't afford a whole room just for scraps)

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

We know it does, but what are you going to do about it?

Let's start with the simplest of the problems above: SPACE.

How would you like to make it all fit onto an average size desk?

How's it all going to fit!?

Simple, you use a computer to generate all your pages... So, even when you hand scrap using traditional scrapbook methods (Kathy rarely does that any more, but from time to time), you generate everything on the computer in digital form. You then print it out and use your scissors and paper cutters to cut out the elements. That way, all you have left to do is to assemble it there on the desk and put it in the sleeve or book when you're done.

That's so easy!

I am still a hand scrapper but I still love your sites. I normally pick what I like and then print and cut them up. I use the frames, clipart and background to matt the pictures. After I have everything framed and matted I tape it all to a coordinating background. (I have done some digital scrapping but my husband likes the handscrapped look better!)

I am so looking forward to your new site coming, the baby site. I have a one year old boy and I have been waiting on your new site before I start working on his baby pictures!

Thank you very much for the large variety of pages. Its fun to look for scrapbooking materials with out even having to leave the house!

Julie Hall

Beebe, Arkansas


And, since most of your baby books are now all digital, done totally on the computer, you don't even use the cutters or pens that you keep on hand very often. Now you should begin to see why you don't need much space any more.

That's a really simple solution. Just keep all your papers and templates on the computer and print them, as many as you need, whenever you need them. I'll bet you really like that idea.

Wes and Kathy,

Thumbs up for such a wonderful site. I had tried to do digital scrapping before I discovered Princess Crafts but could never get the hang of it. All of that changed as soon as I discovered your site and all it has to offer. Digital Scrapping is so much easier now and I know that by coming to your sites I can find pages, clip art, banners, buttons.. Anything I need for any project. And it just keeps getting better. Since I joined there is so much more available I'm not sure I will ever take enough pictures to use everything. Some days I can do up to 5 pages in such a short amount of time. Since starting I must have done at least 30 pages. Thank you for creating such a wonderful site that is suitable for everyone.
Good Luck with all the wonderful adventures ahead of you in the upcoming weeks and months. I cant wait to see the end result.

Warnbro, Australia

But, what about the second problem? What about when you aren't very artistic or you don't have a lot of ideas for baby scrapbooks?

We help you solve that one with access to hundreds of templates in color coordinated sets, in multiple sizes and formats. This site alone has more than six hundred pages all set up with matching art and colors.

So, all you have to do is to pick a theme or an event and all the pages are ready to go... you just add your photo images and journaling to each page and hit the print button.

If that's all it takes... anyone can do this even if they have no artistic or graphics abilities at all. So, even your spouse could do this then :-)

You may now be thinking that having so many options is really great, but isn't it expensive to have so many pages?

I know that if you only paid $1.00 per set, that would be well over $600.00 to get all these beautiful and unique templates. How do you possibly afford it?

Simple Answer: Membership has its privileges.

Put very simply... You pay just one small fee and we give you access to all the hundreds of pages on the site and let you instantly download every single one of them and we give you a full year to do it. Both the High Quality PNG and the PDF format files!

It also means that your baby scrapbook templates are compatible with almost all photo and graphics programs... even the FREE Ones.

As a babyscraps member, it means you are getting in for only pennies a page!

And, you can come back any time during the year if you lose any of the files or your computer crashes... even with a dial-up connection you could do that.

Thank you very much for all you do. This is the best treasure I have found. It is so economical in creating scrapbooks. I can get exactly what I want without a bunch of stuff I don't want at an incredible price. Keep up the great work. Kathy your talents are phenomenal.

Jeannette, PA

I'm hoping that at this time you are beginning to see where computers save the day when it comes to SPACE and that you see how having so many templates (at such a low cost per page) to choose from on your computer or saved to a CD could really save the creative day...

But, I'll bet you would still like to know how any of that solves what I feel is the most difficult problem we had above:

How do You Find the TIME to create the baby book in the first place!

With a traditional baby book or scrapbook, you must get everything out from where it's stored, you cut, tape, glue and wait, wait, wait and it can take longer to set things up to be ready than you have to work on the book.

Many of our clients told us that by the time they got ready to work, they had just enough time left to put it all away before the baby was ready to change and feed again.

Baby Craps

With your computer and digital scrapbooks, it's simply a matter of turning on the computer (if it's not already on), opening the program and inserting the template, photo's and journaling for your perfect page.

Create your page in as little as 15 minutes from start to print!

Best of all, if you are interrupted, just hit the save button and come back when you have more time. No cleanup and no large storage area required. Everything you need is on your computer.

In short:

  • No extra time to get things set up to work

  • No large flat surfaces required

  • No cost to try out different designs and layouts until you hit print

  • No cleanup

  • No problem starting and stopping on your schedule

So, even if you only have 30 minutes a day... you can create the baby book you've always wanted and do it on your schedule. Need an extra copy for mom or grandma... just print another one.

It's me again.

Just was browsing through the new site. I can't believe what you are doing today and what you were doing when I joined your site. If anyone had told me that this site was going to become BEST SCRAPBOOK WEBSITE I wouldn't have guessed that the growth of capabilities in digital scrapbooking would be so vast.

But then I should have known Kathy that you would never be satisfied with a primer website and would work your hands until they would scream with great accomplishment. Not to mention all the personal help you give your customers and are always there for them. I could go on and on about kudos but I want to get back to the website.


That leads us to what Kathy and I feel is the biggest reason for this site:


Baby Craps

Baby Books or Baby Scrapbooks that have all the pages you want and nothing left over or left out!

With over 675 templates to choose from in multiple colors and themes for any event or occasion, you'll be able to create just the baby book you want. And don't forget that there are 3 different formats to choose from. 8.5x11, 12x12 and our new 11x8.5 landscape format.

Tell the whole story without ever worrying about running out of space.

Your own completely custom baby book scrapbook for the price of just a little of your time and the small cost of this site... wouldn't you say that the value is PRICELESS?

Here's the short version in review:

  • Takes up only the space that your computer and printer take up

  • 675 templates to choose from with multiple coordinated colors and themes for any event or occasion in 3 different size formats

  • No set up and no mess to clean up

  • Start and Stop on your schedule at any time

  • Create the pages you need... no extra pages you won't use and nothing missing from what you want.

  • Tell the whole story without ever worrying about running out of space

  • Add more pages at any time as baby grows up

  • Need multiple copies... just print more. Make a copy for when they grow up and leave the nest.

  • Have it made into a real heirloom hardbound custom book at any time

Thank you again, Kathy,

Ya know how at times when you walk into a place it just 'feels right' ? That is the feeling I got at your website. Goes to show, instincts ARE the lead to follow.

You're the best,


Okawville, IL

You are looking for a baby book or baby scrapbook and any one of the reasons above make this one the perfect solution. We hope you can see your child or grandchild in the pages and stories told on these pages. We hope you can see the smiles on everyone's faces as they turn each page of the book you've created out of love. We also hope that you can almost feel the tears beginning to form as you imagine handing a specially made copy to them to pack as they prepare to head out on their own...

Baby Blackjack Dealer

Families are made up of love, stories and history. Kathy and I hope that you'll start those stories and history in the pages of the love inside, you already have.

Let us know if you have any questions or comments,

Wes and Kathy

Baby Crabs Eat Mother

P.S. If you are not completely satisfied, we'll provide a 100% refund and you have a full 8 weeks to try it our and make sure. No Questions Asked.